Monday, March 28, 2011

Online Job Scams

It has been awhile since the last post and wow this is really becoming a pain. I'm talking about the scams. Job scams specifically. A neighbor recently me asked if this"job offer" could be one of those scams you hear about on the news. I said it is a strong possibility. This is in response to applications and resumes posted online. The responders are very quick and there responses are "Very" lengthy and their writing in english is suspect. For example, if your name is John Simpkins you would not sign your closing as "Sincerely, John's". Nor would you be told that "checks or money orders would be sent to you to make arrangements by buying stuff." Also why are all of these responders traveling, doing extensive travel or out of the country and why are they sharing this much lifestyle info in an email? And lastly, the inconsistency. First they will say that they only want to correspond via email but at the same time tell you they will call you - and- it's not a office based job, it's part time and online but you have to run "errands".

If you respond to a job offer email that sounds like this, eg: poor english, confusing, too good to be true (500 to 600 dollars a week for part time non specific duties) etc.... I guarantee you the money orders you will receive as your "wages" will be FAKE !! and the insistence upon your so called employer to have them cashed and send any portions via western union is also a RED FLAG.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thursday, October 1, 2009


the previews of this movie are intense...let us pray! One of my faves... John Cusack

Soda Mission

I must find someplace that sells Big Red and Big Blue Soda. Even if its online..I'll have it delivered!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Points for the Prez

Obama leaves the country to try to get the Olympics back in the US. Its only for 1 day.  There are actually some harsh critics of this occurring. Our previous president went to the Olympics to spectate for 4 days. Like it was the perfect time to take another one of his fricken vacations. It was not. Obama, believe it or not can talk and chew gum at the same time. Work "can" be conducted away from the White House especially when you know how!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Automation, IVR's, Recordings

It's a real problem out there. A lot of people are down right nasty. Why? It's a frustration with automation, IVR (interactive voice recognition) devices and recordings. Banks, hospitals, department stores, water and gas companies, airlines all use them and the list goes on. However there is the assumption that the phone companies are not supposed to utilize the same technology. Some people even go so far as to say they disapprove of the "job stealing" and the unfairness to the "us" employees in the industry. Yet those of us humans that are there are treated despicably more often than not by these self professed champions of human vs artificial intelligence. Certainly don't feel the love.

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